Dream, Create, Inspire

Welcome to my creative world! I am Sean Mackhrandilal I am fueled by a profound passion for crafting captivating characters and bringing imaginative ideas to life. Today, that spirit continues to drive me forward on an exhilarating adventure. 

Throughout my journey, I collaborated on numerous awe-inspiring projects while pursuing my educational aspirations. In just 5 years, I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Animation and Character Art and a Master’s in Game Design from Full Sail University. It has been an incredible voyage thus far, and I eagerly anticipate embarking on the next chapter of this remarkable odyssey alongside you.

If you would like to reach out to me for any inquiries, check out my contacts page.

Thank You!  



Bringing ideas to life using various skills and talents learned throughout the years.

Featured Content

Character Modeling

Ive been very passionate about brining 2D Concepts into 3D form, Check out my gallery to check out some of my work.

Computer Animation

Bringing characters to life in a 3D space requires a lot of skill, It’s very satisfying once it’s pulled off.

Art & Design

Every projects design and world created starts with a 2D concept. Explore my digital art gallery to see what I can create.

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